© Mulligan’s Meadow Boarding Cattery 2018

Allington, Chippenham

Telephone : 01249 462345

The accommodation offered at Mulligan’s Meadow Boarding Cattery comprises of 24 individual purpose built chalets.

At the time of construction we had two very different pet cats.  

Mulligan (after whom the Cattery is named as she spent much time helping us build it!) and Dinks who didn’t venture outside without

human company.  So we aimed to provide facilities for these

divergent character types.

Each chalet is block built and fully cavity insulated, with individual heating and lighting, providing cosy, warm and snug accommodation, but remaining cool in the increasing summer temperatures.  Each chalet has its own adjoining external, but none-the-less covered run, furnished with chair and scratching post.  All runs are fronted by a safety corridor so that, in the unlikely event a cat may escape from

their individual run, they remain totally secure until returned to their own accommodation.

Because we wouldn’t expect our boarders to holiday in a ‘tunnel’, we have opted for a 2 foot gap between the mesh runs, allowing free flow of fresh air, to act as the required sneeze barrier instead of full height walls or perspex sheeting.  This way cats can feel they have the company of other boarders and often adjust more readily learning to relax, play or simply observe in their individual space.

The chalets are approximately 1.5m x 1.25m in size.  Inside each individual chalet, your cat(s) benefit from the heat of a bar radiator which radiates heat throughout the chalet itself rather than a heat lamp which provides only ‘spot heating’.  Each chalet has a window with a shelf just inside so that your cat(s) may view all the goings on without venturing outside should they wish.  Each chalet has a full height door for human access which remains closed most of the time.  Your cat, of course, has it’s own ‘cat size’ door, which provides daytime access to the run (approximately 2.2m x 1.25m). The cat door is locked after dusk to provide safety and security during the night.

All chalets and runs look out on the cattery gardens and beyond, so that our boarders may watch the birds, butterflies and other country wildlife whilst remaining safe and secure.


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